Sunday, April 22, 2007

Evaluation on last week's and Plan for this week

1. Revise Chapter 1: still working on it
2. Continue working on the Theory Part
3. Start Chapter 3B.

1. Figure-out why correction is not working out: still working on it
2. calculate **** energies
3. rerun for different systems

C. Study for the class. done

D. Exercise 3 times this week done

E. Read recent journal articles. done

I am still overhauling Chapter 1. I have lots of ideas I want to incorporate. I will show it to someone tomorrow morning and so I really want it to be done. I am trying hard to be not so harsh on myself as long as I am progressing. Automatically, this list will still be my list for this week.

I am trying to be more conscious of my distractions. Here are some form last week:

1. Emotions. I was pretty pissed off with my BF the entire day Monday. I don't even remember now what was it all about. A total waste of time!
Solution: I have to control my emotions.

2. Reading blogs. There are lots of great blogs in the blogosphere. I am a newbie here and whenever I came across an interesting blog, I want to read from the very beginning that specific blog was conceived.
Solution: I should schedule reading blogs. Maybe I can consider it a reward when I finished a few pages or did any dissertation-related stuff?

3. Checking email. I check emails all the time! A lot of times I know I am not gonna receive important mail but still I continue checking it.
Solution: I should not read email at the start of my day. It doesn't work! Once I get started, I can't stop. Schedule email time and follow it!

4. Lunch. I spend maybe an hour to an hour and half for lunch.
Solution: Limit lunch to one hour.

5. Chatting with boss. As much as I wanted to enjoy talking with my boss, it can go on for hours. I learn a lot from our chatting non-research (or dissertation) related stuff; our chats range from academia life, administration, politics, women, etc.
Solution: Limit chatting. Maybe I need to be more assertive sometimes if the chatting is too long already.

6. Calling banks, customer service, etc, etc.

What worked this week? I was able to be productive this week in these conditions:

1. Going to the library (after going to Church) on a gorgeous Sunday afternoon. From where I was working, I was able to see beautiful scenery, it's good.

2. Not opening internet explorer for a few hours using some blocker.

3. Working late night to early morning (sadly). I was trying to avoid this one because my BF has a regular job and wants to spend time with me after working hours. He wants to sleep early since he goes to work at 6 am! He tries to help me wake up early so I can work early and we still have time together later in the day (evening). But if I continue this schedule, this will not great for us. To all night-owls who are in the same situation, how do you do it?

This week, I will try to eliminate some distractions and hopefully note some more things that work :)

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