Wednesday, April 11, 2007

A New Blogger is in Town

I am excited to start blogging. As of the moment, I am in the stage of writing my dissertation. Eventually, I wish to be a professor someday. Accidentally, a few weeks ago, I came accross a blog of a graduate student and then from there I regularly read great blogs of various awesome people on their experiences as graduate students, postdocs, and professors. I find their blogs very insightful and inspired me to start my own. Join me as I navigate this challenging career path, being an academic, that we find very attractive


ArticulateDad said...

Welcome to the Academic Blogosphere. Pleasant Sailing!

michelle said...

Thank you, ArticulateDad. I got my first comment from you, this is very exciting! I have some things I want to share and hopefully through this I will be more positively aware of the train of my thoughts