Tuesday, April 17, 2007

One Step at a Time

Yes, I started working on research again. The last time I worked on it was a month ago! (Is it pretty obvious that I had been avoiding this for awhile now?) This is just a confirmation that I really have this cycle that whenever I get stuck with a project I drop it and move on to other projects until I get stuck again and go back to the projects I dropped before or move on to another project. At the end of the day, I have many unfinished projects. I know that sometimes one needs to take a little break but one month (I even have projects I left untouched for few months)? I think this is too much of being away. The idea is that it should not be very long that one lost continuity. I should really work on this vicious cylcle I am in. If you want break from your project, how long should it be that it is still not considered counter-productive?

Right now, I am feeling pretty lost and I don't know where to start. I have to spend hours remembering what I did before before I will be up to speed again :(

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