Wednesday, May 23, 2007

sad realization

Today, I realized that, for a while now, I have allowed myself to be the sounding board of my friends' endless rants. I did feel bad and low after their venting but I thought I was being a good friend and that is what friendship is for really. But when the so-called friend is being a complete b**** to me and being totally disrespectful, sorry but in my dictionary, friendship is a give and take relationship, I am not gonna endure your life's misery anymore.

I resolve to take good care of myself by not putting up with people's crap. I resolve to choose friends wisely. I used to just let people come to my life. I am very trusting at heart but maybe there is wisdom in being a little bit cautious who you're letting in.


post-doc said...

That's always been a difficult lesson for me. I'm glad you're removing a source of negative energy and stress from your life though. Good for you!

michelle said...

post-doc, i appreciate your nice comment. these things are definitely part of life.