Saturday, July 21, 2007

early morning woes

For Pete's sake, I want to sleep!

I was feeling all groggy all day because I woke up three to four hours after I went to bed and I had difficulty going back to sleep. I don't usually have this problem. I am supposed to be deep sleeper for crying out loud. Well, the culprit is my swollen (red) left foot due to several big mosquito/insect bites. My right foot has some bites too but not nearly as bad as the left one. When I went to school today, my sandals would not even fit!

Yes, I am whining right now because I feel very tired after a long week's work and this weekend is going to be busy. I went to bed earlier but couldn't go to sleep so after long day of discomfort, itching, and pain, I decided to be more aggressive. I took some anti-inflammatory over-the-counter drugs, applied ice on the affected areas, and desperately looked for some anti-itch medication, more than the neosporin, around the house. I remember I bought some before but I can't pinpoint where I put them (I was moving my stuff all summer). Alas, I found it at the trunk of my car, the feeling is so liberating. Now, I will be ready for my sleep.

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