Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Weather Forecast

"Isolated severe thunderstorm are expected. Large hail with damaging wind are possible"

This was my boyfriend's description of me if I were a weather after my very sudden outburst last night. Oh well, I cannot help but laugh! I guess there is some truth in it. Everything is going great and I am feeling great then, in just a snap of a finger, I get pretty pissed off (of course, there is a stimulant for this reaction).

On the bright side of things, I feel that I am learning how to communicate better. In my personal relationships, I have tried with great deal of effort saying the things that make me upset rather than just sulking and trying to cheer myself up. In addition, last week, I was able to tell my PhD advisor/boss that I am not available for his suggested group's get-together date and suggested other times. It worked! For me, this is big because I am always tongue-tied whenever my boss say something. This is certainly a learning process, a constant struggle, to me. I still have long way to go!

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