Tuesday, July 24, 2007

writing dilemma

I desperately need to write the subsection DF. This is really the heart of my delaying and procrastinating attitude in the last few weeks. The task is just so daunting for me. There are so many things I need to decide.

* How do I organize it?
* Will I follow my advisor’s convention or other people’s convention? I’m in such dilemma, the thing is I am more comfortable using the other people’s convention and this is what I did in my research but my advisor will surely have difficulty with this (not that he is not capable, just not his style). There are also several other subtle differences that I need to decide on which one to present in my dissertation. The presentation should be cohesive!
* Too much information. What should be in the appendix and what should be in the section?
* Do I need to be as detailed as I can be?
* Any models I can follow?

Just write, write, write! It doesn’t have to be the final piece right away. Present everything whatever I think needs to be discussed and then decide later which will go to the main text, appendix, etc

Even though I really find this particular writing task very overwhelming, I will not quit!


Grad007 said...

Good luck! I hope you succeed in finishing in 5 weeks :)

michelle said...

grad007, thanks for your encouraging words, they are definitely a gem at this point in my life. i also wish you all the best. we can do this :)

JustMe said...

good luck. i find starting my big writing projects difficult as well. they just feel so overwhelming that i don't know where to begin.